Maze 3D game ေလးပါ ေအာက္က
ပံုမွာျပသထားပါတယ္ စိတ္ကိုျငိမ္ေအာင္ထားေဆာ့ရမယ့္
game တစ္ခုပါ
အႏၲရယ္ၾကားက ပန္းတိုင္ေရာက္
3Dျဖင့္ ျပဳလုပ္ထားေသာေၾကာင့္
1. 1. New locations!
2. 2. Added boxes with trophies to get the
trophy, you need to blow up the box.
3. 3. Added spikes kill the player, they need
to be careful around.
4. 4. Added metal ball that has protection
from spikes.
5. 5. Added a green ball in which the rate is
3 times higher than the normal ball.
6. 6. Added portals to the game, getting to
the portal sector, it will take you t a
random location map.
7. 7. Now you can by Points to buy bombs,
portals and armor.
8. Available to you 42 levels now
နည္းပညာမ်ားကို facebook မွဖတ္ခ်င္သူမ်ား ေလ့လာခ်င္သူမ်ားအတြက္ like လုပ္ေပးထားပါခင္ဗ်ာ
ပံုမွာျပသထားပါတယ္ စိတ္ကိုျငိမ္ေအာင္ထားေဆာ့ရမယ့္
game တစ္ခုပါ
အႏၲရယ္ၾကားက ပန္းတိုင္ေရာက္
3Dျဖင့္ ျပဳလုပ္ထားေသာေၾကာင့္
1. 1. New locations!
2. 2. Added boxes with trophies to get the
trophy, you need to blow up the box.
3. 3. Added spikes kill the player, they need
to be careful around.
4. 4. Added metal ball that has protection
from spikes.
5. 5. Added a green ball in which the rate is
3 times higher than the normal ball.
6. 6. Added portals to the game, getting to
the portal sector, it will take you t a
random location map.
7. 7. Now you can by Points to buy bombs,
portals and armor.
8. Available to you 42 levels now
နည္းပညာမ်ားကို facebook မွဖတ္ခ်င္သူမ်ား ေလ့လာခ်င္သူမ်ားအတြက္ like လုပ္ေပးထားပါခင္ဗ်ာ
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