1. Account ကို ေလာ့ခ်ပါ။
- browser မွာ www.facebook.com ကို ဝင္ပါ။
Forgotten password ႏွိပ္ပါ။
account ထဲမွာထည့္ထားတဲ့ mail or phone number ေရးၿပီး Search ႏွိပ္ပါ။
- account ကိုေတြ႕ၿပီဆိုရင္ www.facebook.com/hacked ကို ထပ္သြားပါ။
(ဖုန္းနဲ႔သုံးေနတာဆိုရင္ browser မွာ request desktop view / desktop site ကို အရင္ေျပာင္းပါ။)
My account is compromised ကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။
- ေနာက္ဆုံးသုံးခဲ့တဲ့ password ကိုေရးၿပီး Login ဝင္ပါ။
If you didn't remember ...... click here ဆိုတာကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။
အဲလိုမေရးထားပဲ Request new password ဆိုတာပဲေတြ႕ရင္ ေနာက္ထပ္ password အေဟာင္းတစ္ခု ထပ္ထည့္ၿပီး login ႏွိပ္ပါ။
click here ေပၚလာပါလိမ့္မယ္။
- ေရြးစရာသုံးခုေလာက္ ေတြ႕ရပါမယ္။
I didn't do this, Try logging in again,
Reset my password, Lock my acccount
- Lock my account ကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။
Lock my account မရွိရင္ I didn't do this ကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။
ေနာက္တစ္ဆင့္မွာ lock my account ကို ထပ္ႏွိပ္ပါ။
ဒါဆို account ကို ေလာ့ခ်တဲ့အဆင့္ ၿပီးပါၿပီ။
- ေလာ့ခ်လိုက္ၿပီဆိုရင္ အေကာင့္ကို Identity verify မလုပ္ပဲ ဘယ္သူမွဝင္လို႔မရေတာ့ပါဘူး
- Just let me change my password, Reset my password, I think I'm hacked.
အဲဒီသုံးခုပဲေတြ႕ရင္ေတာ့ password change
ခံရတာၾကာၿပီျဖစ္လို႔ old password ေတြ သုံးမရေတာ့တဲ့သေဘာပါ။
2. Account ျပန္ယူတဲ့အဆင့္
- mail ပါ အခိုးခံရတာ မဟုတ္ရင္ ျပန္ယူဖို႔လြယ္ပါတယ္။
အေပၚကလို ေလာ့ခ်စရာေတာင္ မလိုပါဘူး။
- ကိုယ္သုံးတဲ့ mail ကို login ဝင္ပါ။
Facebook ကပို႔ထားတဲ့ password change, primary email change အေၾကာင္းၾကားစာေတြကို ရွာပါ။
- အဲဒီစာထဲက If you didn't do this, please secure your account ကို ႏွိပ္ပါ။
ဖုန္းနဲ႔သုံးတာဆိုရင္ အျမဲတမ္းသုံးေလ့ရွိတဲ့ browser ကိုေရြးဖြင့္ပါ။
- Link ကိုဖြင့္ၿပီး Continue / This wasn't me / I didn't do this တစ္ခုခုကို ႏွိပ္ပါ။
- Facebook account settings ထဲမွာ recognised လုပ္ထားတဲ့ browser ဆိုရင္ password အသစ္ေပးရမယ့္ေနရာကို ေရာက္သြားပါမယ္။
pw အသစ္ထည့္ၿပီး ကိုယ္မသိတဲ့ mail, phone, app password ေတြကို remove
လုပ္၊ အရင္သုံးခဲ့တဲ့ mail ကို ျပန္ထည့္ၿပီးရင္ account ကို
mail အေဟာင္းကို Facebook က လက္မခံေတာ့ရင္ back ႏွိပ္ၿပီး mail အသစ္တစ္ခုထည့္ပါ။
- Recognised browser မဟုတ္ရင္ photos of friends, security question, trusted contacts ေတြေမးပါလိမ့္မယ္။
ေျဖႏိုင္ရင္ ဝင္လို႔ရပါၿပီ။
မေျဖႏိုင္ရင္ Upload a photo id ကို ႏွိပ္ၿပီး မွတ္ပုံတင္၊ ယာဥ္ေမာင္းလိုင္စင္၊ passport တစ္ခုခုကို ဓာတ္ပုံရိုက္ပို႔ေပးလိုက္ပါ။
mail အသစ္တစ္ခု ထည့္ေပးဖို႔လိုပါတယ္။
ID ပို႔ၿပီး ဆက္လုပ္ရမယ့္အဆင့္ေတြကို နံပါတ္ (၃) မွာၾကည့္ပါ။
- account ကို ခ်က္ခ်င္းျပန္ဝင္မရရင္ အေပၚက နံပါတ္ (၁) မွာ ေရးတဲ့အတိုင္း ေလာ့ခ်ထားလိုက္ပါ။
3. Mail ပါအခိုးခံရတယ္ (or) mail ဝင္မရရင္
- account ကို အရင္ေလာ့ခ်ပါ။
- forgetten password ကို ျပန္ဝင္ၿပီး No longer have access to these ကို ႏွိပ္ပါ။
mail အသစ္လိပ္စာ ျဖည့္၊ Continue ႏွိပ္ပါ။
I can't login form ျဖည့္ဖို႔ေနရာကို ေရာက္ပါမယ္။
(No longer have access to these ကို ႏွိပ္လိုက္လို႔ mail
အသစ္ထည့္ရမယ့္ေနရာကိုမေရာက္ပဲ No email access. Done. ျဖစ္သြားခဲ့ရင္ေတာ့
Mail ထဲကို ဝင္လို႔ရမွ အဆင္ေျပပါလိမ့္မယ္။)
- Full name မွာ account ထဲက နာမည္ကို ေရးပါ။
Link URL မွာ ေရးစရာမလိုပါ။
Select your issue မွာ Other ကိုေရြးပါ။
Mobile number မွာ +959 ေရးပါ။
Describe your issue မွာ My account was hacked. လို႔ေရးပါ။
Choose file ကို ႏွိပ္ၿပီး မွတ္ပုံတင္၊ ယာဥ္ေမာင္းလိုင္စင္၊ passport တစ္ခုခုကို ဓာတ္ပုံရိုက္ထည့္ပါ။
Send ႏွိပ္ပါ။
- ၅ မိနစ္ၾကာရင္ ကိုယ္ထည့္ခဲ့တဲ့ mail အသစ္ကို Facebook က စာပို႔လာပါမယ္။
My account was hacked. Please help me. လို႔ေရးၿပီး reply ျပန္ပို႔လိုက္ပါ။
- Facebook Team က ID ကိုစစ္ေဆးၿပီး account ထဲက info ေတြနဲ႔
ကိုက္ညီတယ္ဆိုရင္ တစ္ရက္ႏွစ္ရက္အတြင္း mail ထဲကို account unlock link
- အဲဒီ link ကို ဝင္လိုက္ရင္ password အသစ္ေပးရမယ့္ေနရာကို ေရာက္သြားပါမယ္။
pw အသစ္ထည့္ၿပီး ကိုယ္မသိတဲ့ mail, phone, app password ေတြကို remove
လုပ္၊ mail အသစ္ထည့္၊ verify code ျဖည့္ျပီးရင္ account ကို
အထက္ပါနည္းလမ္းေတြကို account ခိုးခံရၿပီး တစ္ပတ္အတြင္းလုပ္ႏိုင္မွ ျပန္ရပါတယ္။
ၾကာၿပီဆိုရင္ ျပန္မရႏိုင္ပါဘူး။
Old password နဲ႔ေလာ့ခ်ႏိုင္ဖို႔ အေရးႀကီးပါတယ္။
ID နဲ႔ျပန္ယူႏိုင္ဖို႔အတြက္ အေကာင့္ထဲက နာမည္၊ ေမြးေန႔ေတြ မွတ္ပုံတင္ထဲကနဲ႔ တူဖို႔လိုပါတယ္။
ခိုးတဲ့လူက နာမည္ေမြးေန႔ေတြ တလြဲေျပာင္းသြားတာ ျပသနာမရွိပါ။
သူမေျပာင္းခင္အခ်ိန္က ကိုယ္သုံးခဲ့တဲ့ old password နဲ႔ ေလာ့ခ်ႏိုင္တယ္ဆိုရင္ Fb Team က ID ကို လက္ခံပါတယ္။
Thazin Hanna Ko မွကူးယူေဖာ္ျပပါသည္.......
How to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account and Secure within 10 Steps
You just follow the steps
listed below and you should have a little patience to this process.
Because the recovery process can take more than 24 hours.
Steps to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account
Here, I give step by step procedure to recover hacked Facebook account and also you can secure your Facebook account from hacking. Just follow these simple steps as follows.Step 1:
Well, if your Facebook account has been hacked by a person or even by a virus, the first thing to do is to access this link given as follows. Click here to recover hacked “Facebook Account – AllTop9.”Step 2 :
Then click on ” My Account Is Compromised ” as shown in the image and on the next page enter your email address, full name, user name or phone number associated with your account and click on” Search “.Step 3:
Complete the security task by entering the captcha in the box and then click on continue.Step 4:
If there are more accounts with the same Username then it displays
all the accounts and gives choice to select your account as follows in
the image.
Here, you can find the
number of accounts with the same Profile name. So, if you enter your
Email-ID then your account will be displayed exactly without any
confusion. So, prefer to enter your Email-ID. If you don’t remember your
email id then prefer another source.
Step 5:
When your account is displayed, enter the password you used to log into Facebook before your account was hacked. Then click ” Continue “.Step 6:
Then enter the current password or the old password, if you have forgotten the current password.
Step 7:
You will then have the option to reset your password, so you can
say that I sent you a link to reset access to the email address with
which you have registered on Facebook. If not have access to your email,
it is best that you click the “No longer have access to these “and after that you click” I can not access my email “.
Step 8:
Finally we just need to enter a new email address for Facebook
support. You must follow prompted additional steps to recover your
hacked Facebook account.
Step 9:
After confirming the new email address or phone number, then it asks you to answer the secret question. If you answer correctly then it proceeds to the next step.
Step 10:
Once you answered the security question correctly then the next step is to give new password and now this is last step where you can change your password to recover your Facebook account that has been hacked.
Also For Clear Explanation Check out the Video here:
Safety Recommendations to Secure Facebook Account from being Hacked
We need to take some important safety measures to prevent some security measures like this could not happen again.
Some of the basic and strong safety measures to keep our Facebook account safely from hacking are as follows.
- Periodically change the password for Facebook
- Using two-factor authentication
- Use a good antivirus in your computer
- Do not accept friend requests from people you do not know
- No sign into Facebook from public places
- Disable automatic login on your PC
- Always check that the URL of Facebook starts with “https: // www.”
This is all about the Recovering the hacked Facebook account and also few safety measures that need to be taken for our Facebook account that should be an victim in any time. Hope this article helps you to learn something new. If you think this article is worth enough to spread among all the people then do share. Keep visiting for more stuff.
Scource: www.alltop9.com
How To Delete Hacked Facebook Account Permanently
Steps to delete hacked Facebook account permanently:
1. Log out from any existing Facebook account.
2. Clear browsing cache.
3. Follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/hacked
4. Click on “My Account Is Compromised” and it will lead you to account recovery process.
5. On the next step use Email, Phone, Username or Full Name to begin account search process. If one does not work try another.
6. Choose the account which you believe is yours and click on ‘This is my account button’,
7. On the next step, enter your old password. Reason is quite obvious. You don’t know the new one and click on ‘continue’ button.
8. On the next account recovery step, if it shows your old email id that means hacker didn’t change the email id and if he did click on “no longer have access to these?”
9. Put in your new email ID in which you will get account reset password link.
10. Log in to your email id and click account reset link. It will redirect to Facebook password reset page. Type in new Password and you are good to move to the final step to delete Facebook hacked account permanently.
11. Once the account is recovered you can permanently delete Facebook account by yourself by going to this link https://www.facebook.com/help/delete_account or if you need further step by step guide you can read my other article how to delete Facebook account permanently.
Source: www.socialnetworkingking.com
All Top 9
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